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Race: Kytaf 

Age: Immortal (Appears 25)

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Black

Tattoos: As Seen in Photos

Piercings: Both Ears

Aura: Hidden/Repressed 

Language: Multilinguistic 


Citira and her brother Ker'oth had always been roamers, claiming no one place as home. A love of adventure and of the freelance lifestyle they lived drove them to distant lands, planes, and realms. Their lives were lush with experiences, some good and some bad.

When they happened upon RhyDin, a series of unfortunate events and decietful encounters led to them being forced to remain there, to go against their natural desire to travel, and to deal with things they otherwise wouldn't have been involved or interested in.


One day Ker'oth disappeared, with no hint as to why or where he had gone, and no one admitting to any knowledge of his whereabouts or status. Citira vowed to find him, or to at least discover what had happened to him. Someone, somewhere in RhyDin had to know something. So, here she remained, not just because of hapless ties, but because of her new mission to learn the truth.


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